Our History

In 1975 House of the Lord began as a bible study in the home of Howard Hundley in Furport, with Ken Arthur leading the study. Many people of all generations were drawn to the simple fellowship, dynamic teaching, passionate worship and the magnificent presence of God! It soon became known as "The Furport Community Sunday School". 

As the church grew and people were saved, baptized, discipled and added to the church it then became known as "Furport Church of the Body".

In 1980, a dream began to grow in the hearts of the leaders and congregation of establishing a place where their children could be educated but also taught Christian principles. The church was given ten acres in Oldtown by Rob & Marti Roborough. In the spring of 1980 they broke ground for a multipurpose building to use as a school and a church. 

So here we are! It is our desire to continue the vision of our church founders. Simple fellowship, dynamic teaching, passionate worship and the magnificent Presence of God! 


Our Mission

Gathering to Christ, Restoring to wholeness, releasing to purpose. 

Our Beliefs

  • Everything in the bible is true. That Jesus is the one and the only Son of God. There is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus sacrifice on the cross. 
  • The Church is the redemptive entry point of the gospel of Jesus Christ into the world and so the church is relevant to this and all subsequent generations. 
  • Jesus called us to be a house of prayer. 
  • We are called to a core value of worship to invite God's presence where we are changed. 
  • In strong marriages and strong families that will not only impact our church but our communities. 
  • In the sanctity of marriage as laid out in the bible. One man - one woman. 
  • We are called to our church to pastor our community in the plurality of leadership and team ministry. In equipping each person to fulfill the call of Christ in their lives and in making disciples of everyone. 



As part of MFI, we believe in building healthy, strong, and influential leaders who will impact their communities is our central focus. Healthy leaders build healthy churches, and they set an example of godly character for the world to follow.

To realize this strategic mission, MFI was founded in 1987 with the express purpose of creating a network of pastors and leaders of independent churches, bringing a sense of accountability, connection, and training. Accountability and trust permeate MFI and is demanded of our leadership team, practiced in our operations, and emphasized in our values. Trust must be earned, and once earned, protected at all costs - because without trust, the leadership process is empty.

If you'd like to know more about what MFI is, go here