Thanks for being willing to emcee our baptism service! Here’s what you need to know.
Join the team for Team Huddle at 8:30 am.
Join the Team for Pre Service Prayer in the Staff Lounge at 8:45am
Get your mic from the mic holder located on the left hand side of the stage, by the stairs.
During the 3rd song, please come to the front side of the stage with your mic.
The worship leader will make eye contact and nod when they are ready for you to transition. Come onto the platform and walk to the middle of the stage. Using the mic, introduce yourself and invite the baptism candidates to come to the front to the baptismal. Let the church know that we are celebrating baptism as an “outward expression of an inward change”.
Exit off stage. Invite candidates to share their name and why they’re getting baptized. Please hold the mic for them, a few inches from their mouths.
Give the charge to the baptismal recipients (see below - this will be on the back screen for you to read).
Give the charge to the congregation
Pray over the recipients: “Father, thank you for those that are being baptized today. They are putting action to their faith by making a public declaration of their commitment to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. You have received them as your very own and now they are truly children of God, being born again through the power of the Holy Spirit.” (sample prayer)
Put the mic down on the stage and assist the other baptizer helper.
Please help the candidate into the baptismal. Walk them to the ledge and explain to them to step down and sit.
Before dunking them, have them plug their nose and cross their arm over their chest.
Say, “Based on your confession of faith, I now baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Dunk! Celebrate! Help them get out of the baptismal.
After completing all baptisms, welcome them to the family with a final applause.
Be prepared to baptize people after 1st and 2nd services.
Please repeat for 2nd service.
You’re all done - thank you!!
Baptismal Charge:
To the recipient—
Do you believe in and put your trust in God the Father, Jesus Christ His only son, and the Holy Spirit?
Do you believe that Jesus was crucified and died for your sins, then after three days was raised from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven?
Do you renounce all powers of darkness, of Satan, and all of his works and empty promises?
Do you renounce your flesh and the ways of this world?
Do you pledge to make Jesus Lord of your life and to follow Him from this day forward for the rest of your life?
To the congregation—
Will you fully support those that are being baptized as fellow believers and part of the family of God, encouraging them in their new walk with Jesus Christ, and extending to them grace and love as they begin their new life-long journey?
Father, thank you for those that are being baptized today. They are putting action to their faith by making a public declaration of their commitment to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. You have received them as your very own and now they are truly children of God, being born again through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Based on your confession of faith, I now baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Welcome to the Family!