“And I will give this people favor and respect in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall be that when you go, you shall not go empty-handed. But every woman shall [insistently] solicit of her neighbor and of her that may be residing at her house jewels and articles of silver and gold, and garments, which you shall put on your sons and daughters; and you shall strip the Egyptians [of belongings due to you]. Exodus 3:21-22 AMPC
God rehearsed with His chosen deliverer, Moses, what was going to happen when Pharaoh finally let them leave. It would take place after many signs and wonders of God’s great power because the king was stubborn. But God assured him that it would happen!
God also said that He would change the attitude and opinion of the Egyptians toward the Hebrews. Where before the attitude toward God’s elect had been hatred, enough to enslave them, the attitude would change to favor and respect. I believe that was a sign and wonder as much as the other miraculous signs God did through the different plagues.
The Almighty declared that the women would ask their neighbors to give them jewels, precious metals and costly garments AND those things would be freely given simply because God had placed on His people favor and respect.
Now follow me here: The Pharaoh and Egypt are a type and shadow of our enemy and our past ways of doing things. Using this frame work, this enslaving nation and the king of that nation were like the enemy of our soul, the Devil, who continually wants to enslave us to do his bidding.
Interestingly, the AMPC version puts the words in brackets as a clarifier, “OF BELONGINGS DUE YOU”.
The riches in blessings that should have been theirs during their time of enslavement was to be restored back to them. The Israelites weren’t stealing from their enemy. They were getting back what was rightfully theirs!
Today this gives us permission as God’s elect to expect the restoration of the things that are rightfully ours in Christ. All the joy, all the peace, all the contentment, courage, grace, wisdom, prosperity and whatever else the Word of God tells us is ours.
Restore means to get the store back. This happens as we trust God, as we see the promises in His Word and become obedient to the Word.
Don’t settle for a slave’s mindset!
It took God’s people 40 years to shake off unbelief and to begin to take God at His word, to enter the Promised Land. Let’s not allow unbelief to keep US from entering into His promises!