“For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness.”
1 Thessalonians 5:5 (ESV)
This IS my identity in Christ. I’ve been born into the Kingdom of God and now I’m a child of the light. If you’ve received Jesus as your Savior and Lord YOU are a child of the light. The way we perceive things in our life is totally different than the way we perceived life before. We have the ability to determine the true nature of things because now we walk in the light!
Sometimes, though, light feels like a scary spot. For instance, when we have a painful issue or sin that we are dealing with, the LAST thing we feel like doing is bringing it into the light. We may feel that that painful thing is too big or that sin is too grievous, for even God to heal and set us free. AND what if someone sees us being transparent before the Lord about it? What will people think or say? So, we keep it hidden and consequently continue in our pain, or worse yet, continue in sin. It’s quite literally, the enemy of our souls that wants us to keep pain and sin hidden. That’s where the fear of being exposed comes from. This is a classic ploy of his. If he can keep us in hiding and acting as if everything is fine, he can torment us.
Thank GOD that’s not reality! Because we are children of the light, we LOVE light, and we LOVE that the light of God’s face shines on those areas of sin and pain. When we bring sin and pain to Him the only thing we see on God’s face is His love for us! He takes the pain and sin and heals and sets free. And He does this gladly with great joy over us!
And, what about other people? They will be emboldened by you to come into the light with their pain and sin! This is one way we encourage one another in our lives…by being healed and set free ourselves.
So, don’t hesitate to be in the light as HE is in the light! We have fellowship with Him and with one another when we do this.
Pastor Robie