COVID-19 Updates
We have 3 weekend services in order to provide ample social distancing during this season. Please join us in person Saturday at 6 PM, or Sundays at 9 & 11 AM.
Although masks are not mandated in our county, we fully support mask wearing and have free masks available at every service!
We have a team of people disinfecting surfaces before after and during our services, as well as additional hand sanitizing stations. Our nursery is also sanitized after each use, and we have minimized our toys to those that can be disinfected thoroughly.
We have asked anyone showing any symptoms or not feeling well to please stay home, and if you or a family member have been exposed to COVID-19, please follow your health district’s recommendation for testing & quarantining. We have invested in improving our online church reach, because we have many members who are more comfortable joining us that way. Our online community is every bit as much a part of our family!
We have continued to be in close contact with our health district and are following their guidelines. Their number is 208-415-5100 if you have any other questions or concerns.
If you prefer to join us online, or if you’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19, have any cold or flu-like symptoms, please join us at 11AM Sundays on Facebook and on YouTube to worship from home!
Here’s a list of our weekly ministries’ plans for the following weeks. Please check this website for updates:
House of Recovery - Mondays at 6:00 PM
Prime Timers - Wednesdays at 11 AM - Resumes meeting Jan 13.
House Youth - Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
Armor Up Men’s Group - Thursdays at 6 PM - Meeting in the foyer.
Arm Her Up Women’s Group - Thursdays at 6 PM - Meeting in the family room.
Newsong Women’s Group - Fridays at 10 AM - Meeting in the sanctuary.
HLCA - Bonner County, along with 4 of the 5 counties in Panhandle Health District, has moved to Level Red. Panhandle Health District is allowing local school boards to determine what schooling will look like for their students. Our school board has determined that House of the Lord Christian Academy will remain open until we see COVID positive cases in our school. The ELC remains open as scheduled. Mrs. Williams will contact parents directly with any changes regarding each student.
This page will continue to be updated with any future closures or announcements.