Pastor's Letter
Greetings! Welcome to this journey of our EXTEND Building Campaign. I’m glad that you’re interested in this exciting adventure that God is leading us on beginning this spring.
If you’ve been at House of the Lord, you can see that we are running out of room for all the people God has brought to be a part of our family. So we will be remodeling. We have a team of contractors working on this exciting project and John Poisel will be our Building Superintendent during the remodel. God has already had His hand all over the design process and we are seeking Him still in anticipation for the start of this project.
However, this whole thing isn’t just about creating more room for those who are already here. The EXTEND Campaign is about creating more room so that those who are far from God in our community can come to a saving knowledge of Him, live in His presence, and grow in Him. Simply said it’s about MAKING ROOM FOR OTHERS.
All that sounds great doesn’t it? Well, it takes money to pull it all off. As each of us continue to give faithfully and sacrificially in this Extend Campaign, all things will be possible. God really is building His church.
I simply ask you to take some time and go through the materials on this site and consider, “God what do You want to do through me?” I’m confident that if you take the time to consider the project, take time to pray, and talk it through with your spouse or family (if applicable), God will show you the part you should play in the EXTEND Campaign. The goal of our leadership is that 100% of our church would participate and that it would be equal sacrifice (everyone sacrificing something), not equal giving (for some $1M is no big deal, for others $1000 seems like a pipe dream). It is through 100% participation that we’ll see this project come to fruition.
Thanks for visiting this site, and looking into our EXTEND Campaign. All of our pastoral team, myself included, pray consistently for our church – that in this journey we’ll see God do miraculous things in our finances, families, homes, and church. We believe that He will cause House of the Lord to “Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations and make the desolate cities inhabited.” (Isaiah 54:2-3) I pray that God will richly bless you as you join us on this spiritual journey.
Thanks for being a part of the House of the Lord family. In His Service,
Pastor Jeff Ecklund
Commit to join us:
Our History
PROVIDE: Together we will invest financial and physical resources to underwrite this building campaign which will assist in implementing God’s vision for our church.
ACHIEVE: In order to achieve the EXTEND Campaign we invite you to join us at any time on this spiritual journey of self sacrifice, risk taking and a whole new level of trusting God.
CAPTURE: To capture the heart and imagination of every person to raise the resources for this project.
Our Challenge
In 1975 House of the Lord began as a Bible study. Many people of all generations were drawn to the simple fellowship, dynamic teaching, passionate worship and the magnificent presence of God! It soon became known as “The Furport Community Sunday School”. As the church grew and people were saved, baptized, discipled and added to the church ,it became known as “Furport Church of the Body”. In 1980, a dream began to grow in the hearts of the leaders and the congregation to establish a place where their children could be educated but also taught Christian principles. The church was given ten acres in Oldtown In the spring of 1980. With $100 and that 10 acres combined, with a vision and a lot of faith, they broke ground on a multipurpose building to use as a school and a church. Almost 40 years later we are still here are benefiting from their hard work and sacrifice .
raise $325,000 For Remodel to make room for our growth.
Extend the foyer
Twice the floor space - New restrooms and coffee bar
Expand the sanctuary
More seating - Improved access & comfort
Construct new office wing
Consolidate our office space - Create conference room
Create much needed multipurpose room
Highly versatile – Better acoustics and lighting
Improve important entry/access points
Enlarge front deck – Upgrade side entrance and fire escape
Prayer Points
Pray for favor with the city and county regarding any permits we may need to get.
Pray that God would lead our building and design team.
Pray for our building supervisor and any sub contractors that we hire. Pray that it will be managed in such a way that we have no delays or unnecessary costs, and that they would in turn be blessed through their involvement in our project.
Pray for favor with lenders so we can secure the right financing at the right time for the project.
Pray that God would continue to draw the lost to our church before, during, and after this project is completed. Also, pray for thousands of people to come to know Christ because of it.
Pray that our church would continue to give sacrificially. Our goal is not equal giving among all our churchgoers, but equal sacrifice.
Pray that 100% of our church would jump on board with the EXTEND Campaign.
Pray that we would collect all the funds needed during the EXTEND Campaign.
Pray for continuation of faithful stewardship of God’s blessing on our church finances to position us for the future!