Sunday Services

9am & 11am service. Nursery care for entire service. 

Children's Church

Children's Church begins right after worship on Sunday mornings.

United Generation Youth

Every Wednesday 6:30 service. Ages 12-19.

Celebrate Recovery 

Thursday's dinner at 5:30 & service starts at 6:30 


 Our weekend gatherings are for you—so come dressed however you feel most comfortable. (Appropriate for the public, of course.)

 Our weekend gatherings are for you—so come dressed however you feel most comfortable. (Appropriate for the public, of course.)

We have ministries and services for everyone in the family! Find out more here.

We have ministries and services for everyone in the family! Find out more here.

Whatever your needs are, we want to help. Please let us know. Contact us. 

Whatever your needs are, we want to help. Please let us know. Contact us. 





Do you have questions about life, God, Faith? Are you looking for a church? We invite you to connect with us over a cup of coffee (our treat). Send us an email to set up a time to meet with someone from our staff. We look forward to meeting you!