Classes Available
We offer 5 Next Step classes every Sunday during the first service starting at 9:45. We offer these classes so that you may grow in your faith with practical knowledge and teachings within the scriptures. To register for these classes, or connect with a leader about the class, click here.
Discover My Church Class
The Discover Your Church Class is our church membership class. It is available once a quarter but you can sign up for it at anytime.
A half-day seminar that introduces new people to our church. We share how our church started, our statement of faith, our church by-laws & our church organizational structure.
Next Step Classes
1. Water Baptism Class
Why are Christians always dunking people in water? Do Christians just love swimming? In this class you will see how the Bible presents baptism as an outward witness of an inward faith in Jesus Christ.
Speaking of Water Baptism, do you want to get baptized? Click here to email a leader to sign up!
3. Holy Spirit Baptism
A holy what? This class covers what exactly people mean when they talk about the Holy Spirit. Discover just how the Holy Spirit is alive and operating today.
2. Salvation Class
Are you newly saved? Unsaved? Or been saved for years? No matter where you are this class will touch the basics and expand on what salvation truly does to our lives.
4. How To Study Your Bible
You're tellin' me there are practical steps to take when I want to study my bible? Sign me up! In this class we teach you how to devour the word, to apply it to your life, and how to take the word exactly how it says it.
5. Local Church
Why did Jesus die? It was for the church. Who's the Bride Of Christ? The church. Yeah, the church is pretty important. So lets talk about it for a little and understand why Jesus LOVES the church & why you should too.
Annual Classes
Our annual classes are just for YOU. If any of these classes interest you please contact us and let us know here so we can let you know our current schedule.
Financial Peace
Are you struggling financially? Looking to be a better steward of what God has given you? Need help making your first budget? Financial Peace University (FPU) is a nine-week class on money taught by America's most trusted financial guru, Dave Ramsey. Dave and his teaching team will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more
Marriage Class
We are passionate about healthy marriages that are centered on Jesus, bring glory to God, and are a lifelong friendship that grow every year. During our marriage classes we develop strong relationships with other marriages within the church & receive practical teaching about what God has to say about your marriage.
So you wanna get baptized? That's great! We do baptisms quarterly during Sunday services! If you are wanting information on water baptism or want to be notified when the next baptism is scheduled click HERE to contact a leader.