Worship Guidelines
Leading worship is both a blessing and a responsibility. In order to lead as true worshippers in spirit and truth (John 4:23) our leadership expects the following from individuals on the worship team:
o Christ follower
o Regular church participation at HOTL
o Present at majority of weekend services
o Supporting the body through tithes/offerings
o Teachable spirit, responsive to the pastoral leadership’s guidance
o Skilled with instrument/voice/AV
o Church member, having completed Belong Track and signed Partnering Membership Form (adults only - for youth, recommendation of adult ministry leader may apply.)
Team members are expected to meet with a leader, do an assessment (for vocalist / instrumentalists) and submit an application. If you are added to the team, the following are expected for service that you are scheduled:
o Review and practice songs on Planning Center for your scheduled services. (AV - listen through provided recordings.)
o Arrive on time (or early!) for scheduled call times and rehearsals. (Arrival time means you’re there by that time, rehearsal time means you’re set up at your station and ready to go.)
o Respond promptly to Planning Center scheduling requests.
o Communicate block out dates and schedule changes with as much advanced notice as possible.
o Practice proper dress and hygiene. (We ask you to use your own discretion and discernment with dress code. If you have doubts, err on the side of caution.) As a team, we do not wish to be distracting to the church body.
It is a value at our House to serve where the need is. Our leadership will always take into account your desires, schedule, etc. when determining the best fit, but it’s important that you are willing to serve on any part of our worship team (kids church, youth group, etc.), not just the Sunday platform. During the on-boarding process, the worship pastor and/or team lead will work with you to determine the best fit for your service.