Mom Ministry

Is there any “profession” out there that is both as trying and rewarding as being a mom? As a mom in the House I’d like to speak into this important job that we women undertake.

I had no idea that having children would absolutely change my life and my perspective. Without the experience I’ve had of being a mom to two wonderful men of God I wouldn’t be the person I am today and would have missed out on the lessons and opportunities to grow in my understanding of my Heavenly Father and His plans and purposes.

What I was NOT prepared for was the amount of energy--physical, spiritual and emotional—it took to keep my family humming along. Boy! Was I ever tired and for quite some time! I wondered if I’d ever feel like I hadn’t been dragged through a knot hole backwards!

As my boys grew up and they needed less hands-on care, there were still intense seasons of nurturing and prayer and discipline that had to be applied. Being a mom was exhausting. But even in that exhaustion I knew there was purpose and sensed a certain grace on my efforts.  

If you are a mom at any stage of your journey, I know you can relate to this. You may also feel that there are times when it seems as if our current world society is doing all it can do to hinder your influence and take away your voice for your kids’ sake. Can I even be so bold as to say there is a war against motherhood to downplay the importance of doing our job well? I believe it’s a demonic strategy to further destroy the family unit. If our enemy can convince moms to abdicate responsibility to raise our kids in “the fear and admonition of the Lord”, then he can effectively captivate their hearts.

Moms, raising your kids to love the Lord and serve Him, to love the church and live according to Scripture is the best thing you can teach them. Whether you are a homeschooling mom, a stay at home mom who is very involved in your kids public or private school atmosphere, a working mom doing your best to keep your balance on life or any combo of ways moms get ‘er done, God has grace upon grace for you to do what only you can do for your kids. He has called YOU to those kids you have. It may seem some days, like you’re taking two steps forward and three steps back, but one day when THEY look back on your efforts, they will say how blessed they are.

As it says in Proverbs 31:28a

Her children rise up and bless her”  

So, here’s to you Moms who are doing the work of ministry right in your own home with your own kids and keeping at it! You got this because God’s got YOU!

-Robie Ecklund

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